Memories of the past

– or in the footsteps of Bük’s shot

We are in the footsteps of a nostalgic soft drink that shone for a few years in the eighties and is still remembered in the small town of Vas, and perhaps all over the country. I can see crystal clear in front of me the wall calendar on the wall of my dad’s workshop, on which a pretty lady posing in a really decorative – swing bikini and an inscription draws my attention to Bük’s bitterness: “Consume our products too! Cheers! ”

a Büki keserű nyomában

Every time I think of this tasty poster, the past always comes to life, almost like I drank carbonated syrup made from non-alcoholic unicum – memories and flavors of the past burst, and even if I close my eyes, the drink even catches its taste and aftertaste. I can quote myself.

It must have been a very special drink, the secret of its characteristic taste was kept by patents for fear, only so much leaked that the exact recipe of many herbs and spices lends its inimitable aroma.

Already in the first year of production, almost three million thousands of liters of beverage came off the conveyor belts of the Bük Bottling Company in the vicinity of the spa, and this number has tripled within two years. The first “swallows” of the products were Olympos orange and lemon soft drinks, and Bük bitter and Bük mineral water.

A tonic that is not a tonic – this is how the bitterness of July 1984 was described, which soon began to conquer in Hungary and beyond, and its fame spread from the FRG to the Soviet Union.

a Büki keserű nyomában
a Büki keserű nyomában

Consumed pure or in the form of cocktails, the extract of the “drugs”, herbs and essential oils in it gave the drink a pleasant bitter, sour taste and delicate aroma.

Its health effects were not negligible either, as it had a positive effect on heart function, muscle function, metabolism and the body’s blood supply. Bük also had a stimulating, strengthening, digestive and gastric strengthening effect, and it could be consumed by anyone without any restrictions.

While reading the previous descriptions, we can almost feel that we are talking about the grandfather of an energy drink so popular today, because it was very useful in case of exhaustion, weakness and fatigue.

The plant was added to the “brothers-in-law” in 1990, and in the Austrian-owned company, Bük was slowly lost. Serving the needs of the age, the sugar-free trend was abolished, and by 1997, the Bomba energy drink had already rolled off the production line.

After a few years of brilliance, production has ceased and this fantastic soft drink has disappeared from store shelves. The iron tooth of time is slowly battering this legend, and Bük is completely oblivious to oblivion. We believe and trust that the secret recipe is still hidden somewhere at the bottom of a drawer drawer, and someone is sacrificing time and energy to de-fibrillate one of the prides of Bük’s long past, just like Bambi. Until that happens, the slogan of nostalgia and Chio remains for us: “It’s a shame there’s nothing left of those good old things!”

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