There was once a Bath Ball

The change of regime was followed by busy years in the life of the Bük spa, of which the year 1992 stands out the most, as it brought the most exciting change in the life of the complex. The idea of the privatization of the Spa Company was formulated this year, and from January 1, 1993, the nationally renowned spa – dr. Led by István Németh. With the change in the form of farming, a whole new life has begun, and thanks to new developments and services, the spa has begun to flourish in the caring hands of the newly appointed CEO. In addition to investments and transformations, the Bath Ball, established in 1994 for the purpose of preserving tradition, proved to be of paramount importance, and has grown into one of the most significant gatherings of the county over the years.

Volt egyszer egy Fürdőbál

Bathing culture in Hungary has a long and bright history. In the 1800s, a spa with a better name could not be left without a ball. During the season, the spa halls served as a venue for several summer activities. Contemporary newspapers informed readers in advance about the balls, followed by colorful reports on events, engagements, fashion, and who wore what prom dress. Perhaps it is not a big surprise that one of the kings of these events was our capital, 100-150 years ago, carvers wandered from the countryside to Pest for the famous Emperor Bath balls from Bihar, Somogy, and the rest of the country.

This colorful history of bathing and the unbroken development of Bükfürdő combined the ideas that led to the idea of the Bük Bath Ball in 1994 and the first meeting in February.

The event was soon a success, and on the fifth anniversary, so many people indicated their intention to attend that the ball covered almost the entire area of ​​the Leisure Center. Year after year, new table companies and small communities were formed, the traditional Bath Ball became more and more important for the public life of Vas County, the fact that many prominent people entered the date of the dance party in their appointment diary a year in advance is no better proof. The guests were entertained by star guests, from Béa Karda to Pali Balázs – many celebrities turned up at the ball stage. The most important component of the success was that the performers always involved the audience in their program, as a result of which the local mayor, spa director but even the chairman of the county assembly could be involved in the program. The next day of the marathon, which lasted until late dawn, ended with a bathing in style, and on Sunday mornings, guests could look for a cure in the sauna and in the beneficial healing water.

Volt egyszer egy Fürdőbál
Volt egyszer egy Fürdőbál

The first real “bathing atmosphere” arrived in 2011, when the entertainment moved to a new location, the Leisure Center was replaced by a new lounge, which was handed over in 2009, with its spacious spaces and unique acoustics taking the ball experience to a new level. The highlight of the program was almost always the raffle draw, where many valuable prizes were found to host. The Bükfürdő Tourism Award was established in 2010, which is also closely intertwined with the bustle of the ball, as the solemn handover of the recognition was an integral part of the event’s program.

In 2016, the gathering moved to an external venue, and in 2018, the 25th spa ended a fourth century of wonderful story. We hope that it has only been a long dream and we hope that the music of the music and the ball will soon be reappeared – even between the walls of the barrel restaurant.

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