
The first leaking scents

The first leaking scents

A júliusi nyitás előkészítésének egyik szükséges, de örömteli lépése az étlap-egyeztetés. Első körben Tóth Attila tulajdonos és Turcsányi Tamás séf elgondolásait ismertük meg – szerencsére kóstolással egybekötve, melynek otthont szombathelyi testvéréttermünk, a Forum adott.

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Our Story

Our Story

– an inn in the "CENTER" - We were able to select perhaps the most appropriate title, as “in the center” fits perfectly with both the location and the role of our restaurant in society. It is safe...

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Stars on the field of Bük

Stars on the field of Bük

Sport has always played a key role in the life of Bük, so it is no wonder that in 1996 the village of Vas was awarded the title of Sports City of the Nation. The local sports life and the constantly...

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Champions in the water

Champions in the water

When we read various posts on the internet, it is very rare to think about who might have written the lines that interest us. Often we just bite the letters and words, and maybe not a second flash...

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Wedding 101

Wedding 101

The place of the bliss is: locations. Such a milieu can be a good choice not only because the wedding crowd breaks out of the squirrel wheel and the proximity of the plants creates an intimate...

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—the rebirth of the legend “Making poppy beans is turning two pages in the cookbook,” proclaims the well-known wall slogan jokingly, which perfectly illustrates the experimental and extravagant...

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Memories of the past

Memories of the past

- or in the footsteps of Bük's shot We are in the footsteps of a nostalgic soft drink that shone for a few years in the eighties and is still remembered in the small town of Vas, and perhaps all...

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“Gräfin Marica” ​​​​in Bük

“Gräfin Marica” ​​​​in Bük

For Imre Kálmán war Gräfin Marica eff der erfolgreichsten Operetten eff der efolgreichsten hungaromponisten, der Werke auf genzen Welt aufgeführt wurden und in derondere, a moderne Geschichte voller...

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There was once a Bath Ball

There was once a Bath Ball

The change of regime was followed by busy years in the life of the Bük spa, of which the year 1992 stands out the most, as it brought the most exciting change in the life of the complex. The idea of...

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