“Gräfin Marica” ​​​​in Bük

For Imre Kálmán war Gräfin Marica eff der erfolgreichsten Operetten eff der efolgreichsten hungaromponisten, der Werke auf genzen Welt aufgeführt wurden und in derondere, a moderne Geschichte voller Hits. The master’s thesis took place on February 28, 1924 in the Theater of Vienna. For the first time, a public war has taken place in the Republic of Hungary in the form of a premiere in the Republic of Austria for the first time in the Czech Republic.

In addition, the assortment of the assortment of fast-moving theaters in the night of the night with the background was completed in 1973 from the beginning of Eugen York, a film was released. In the absence of international cooperation, the Hungarian authorities will be responsible for the role of Marica in the production of the building industry, and Zoltán Latinovits, Károly Mécs, Szilvia Sunyovsz.

„Marica grófnő” Bükön

Szapáry Castle was home to the film crew, and the more than three hundred-year-old Baroque residence was the site of many external and internal recordings. In the park behind the building that operated as a castle hotel in 1973, a row of thatched houses with barns, barns and hay barns recalled the memories of a long-gone age. There was an artificial stork’s nest on the chimney, a boom well at the end of the “street” nodded, rattled carts, rusty harrows, wicker beehives, hemp pusher, drawbar, choppers, poplar turtles, milkworms and milking chairs. These antiques were collected from the Bük families, while the reeds were transported here from Lake Neusiedl.

The park of the castle hotel was made more beautiful by the workers of the Horticultural Company with beautiful flowers and a palm worth HUF 30,000. Many agree that one of the secrets to this successful film lies in the beauty and authenticity of the locations.

The filming lasted for almost a month, and even today many people mention the uplifting moment when they were able to meet the famous Hungarian actors live at the beginning of the television era.

„Marica grófnő” Bükön

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