The first leaking scents

or Trial Cooking in the Forum Restaurant

One necessary but gratifying step in preparing for the July opening is menu coordination. In the first round, we got to know the ideas of owner Attila Tóth and chef Tamás Turcsányi – fortunately combined with a tasting, which was hosted by our sister restaurant in Szombathely, the Forum.

Chef Tamás Turcsányi joined the Jolaholding Bük team at the end of April:
“Already in the job interview I felt that there was chemistry between me and the company. “Anyone who has worked in hospitality knows how important it is for the owner and the unit’s professional leaders to agree on the principles and work together for a common goal.”

Tóth Attila

Attila Tóth dreamed of reopening the former Arany Hordól at the end of 2020.
“As Bük, I often saw the building that lived through the better days, I often heard in my visit that ‘Here was my wedding’, ‘Here was our ball”, etc. Day by day I was determined that this institution deserved much more, and of course The addition of accommodation (Park Hotel Bük) is, of course, primarily a business decision, as I basically believe that accommodation and restaurant service go hand in hand. We continue this method in Gyula, Szombathely, Szigetszentmárton, although we have smaller catering units in Vas county without a hotel: Komló restaurant, Öreg Sam restaurant, Pinka Smoke restaurant.”

Temes judit

Tamás Turcsányi
(Born in 1973. In terms of qualifications, he is a chef, a chef and a master chef since 2003. The classic chef has extensive experience in the East: he worked for several years in Russia and managed the Grand Hotel Bálványos‘ kitchen and restaurant in Transylvania. , including several restaurants for hundreds of people.

Aranyhordó anno

However, the Barrel definitely (then) declares itself to be a local restaurant – says Gergely Bazsó, the marketing manager of the company group: This is not only because the maximum number of accommodation is around 40-50 people, while the restaurant seats are well above 100 people. but also because our first dream was the Barrel Restaurant, its design and interests could not be harmed in any way because of the hotel. We wanted to create a restaurant that could hold small and medium-sized family events, weddings, corporate and institutional gatherings – in addition. to retain its familiar, intimate character. This is why the restaurant has three faces: pleasant summer terraces – a youthful and relaxed “Barrel Room” and a more elegant large hall.
Our owner, Tamás Rapport, put it a few years ago that every unit must preserve its local values, but we must add our own modern, innovative behavior.

Returning to the menu: together with our staff we put a menu on the table – Tamás Turcsányi continues – which follows the local needs in flavors and ingredients. It’s no shame to say that a fried slice, a stew, a Cordon can’t be missed from what a country restaurant has to offer. Not only because the locals are looking for this, but also because it is often the foreigners. In addition to these, we line up dishes that would not be available elsewhere, or technological solutions that are new in Bük. It is distinctive in taste, characterful (but not offensive), and in its ingredients it is definitely quality – and, if possible, local. The latter is very important, not only fashionable, but also in the interest of the entrepreneur.
I used to say my kitchen is a “working” kitchen. I do not have and will not have a fashion to unpack a mirelite bag, sprinkle it in the fryer and then serve it drained. We put expertise and sophistication into it.

Hazai ízek
Hazai ízek
Hazai ízek
Hazai ízek

There will be specialties that we consider to carry the prime in a good case. There will be traditional dishes that ensure continuity and predictability, there will also be seasonal offers (this was a definite request for Attila’s) and there will of course be the casual menu offer, which is a quick, homey, affordable category in the heart of Bük. And the “pizza track” is mostly for the youth, with a fresh, fast but also quality line.


“If I can’t talk about wine, I’ll be very offended.”
The heart of the project manager Péter Nagy is the promotion of quality wine consumption in all our units.
Fortunately, wine, as a companion to dinner, is no longer a flamboyant hobby and, above all, a non-urising behavior. This can be done elegantly, consciously, yet not “exaggerated” if you like, in a “snob” way. The colleague will offer good quality, local and matching wine, which will complete the dinner. Of course, when designing the entire drink menu, we tried to make sure everyone found the right one: be it a local lemonade, a good pint of beer, a brandy, a good wine, I could list it. We also place a lot of emphasis on the training of waiters.

Széles borválaszték

The restaurant and the hotel are an organic whole – we can’t stress that – continues Gergely Bazsó. Many of the hotel’s facilities, including a sports field and a fireplace, are also available to locals. What we are emphasizing, however, is that Barrel is not a “puccos” restaurant in a hotel, but a worthy successor to our Aranyhordól, above which there is a hotel.

The issue of succession is very important, says Attila Tóth. It occurred to some, temporarily, to give the institution a new name, but when, at my request, they became acquainted with the history of the former Aranyhordó (even Lökkös and Galavits) Restaurant (and researched it well), all intentions in this direction dissipated. A restaurant in Bük, with such a past, should be part of a historical arc, be proud of what happened in this hundred years, show how a business can be part of the local history and how it was part of the local sports and public life.
At the same time, it must meet the expectations of the 21st century: locals, tourists and locals alike.
Quoting Attila József: “This is our job: and not a few…”

Hordó Étterem & Park Hotel Bük

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